Really good X thread on the fan base/temp stadium ticket situation

$65 each for our tickets in Washington this season and a decent sideline view from the upper deck, certainly better than $80 in our north end zone.
I paid $70 for the Cats game in the Big House this year. My seats are in BF Egypt and the you better have a small Keester to fit on the postage stamp section they give you on the bench. I am sure I got these at a discount to what the ST paid with ticket price, donation required etc.

I was in Ann Arbor for the Texas game, but elected not to go in when I saw pricing. Crappy seats were going for over $1K each a week before. I heard they were asking $300 or more at the game when they were trying to unload them. I couldn’t find anyone selling at the game.
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No drinks for you!!!

I sit in Section 29, west stands, two rows from the top. Two games in a row I’ve been stopped by an usher from buying overpriced wine, beer or water from a little kiosk ( with no line) at the back of the stands. The usher said I needed a pass to buy drinks there. Understand, there’s no signage saying it’s a club or VIP area. None. I didn’t want to make a stink about it, but the players parents and guests sit in the next section over and I saw the usher tell several of THEM (including an elderly guy with mobility issues) the same crap. Which was you can exit the stands and walk quite a distance to buy the same overpriced drinks. It makes no sense, especially for the relatives of our players to be treated this way. If they’re not VIPs, who are???
