Brendan Sullivan CHOKE JOB at the Music City Bowl

I’m no fan of Sully, but objectively speaking, he had a better year playing in a big win over NU and in a bowl game than any of our QBs. Right decision by him, even if he could have handled it more gracefully.
I understand I’m contributing to the Sully talk right now, but we should really retire the Sully talk. He’s done nothing to change the track record he established at NU: a gamer who is capable of playing some Big Ten QB, but definitely not one who approaches power conference average or is worth guaranteeing a starting job to. As much as his quitting the the competition and pouring out the door at NU was unimpressive, he doesn’t play without grit on the field. Kid was a tough nosed battler for NU and in that bowl game. It’s why he gets hurt so much!

We have Preston Stone now and are much better off for it.

Bowl games

I watched several PSU games this year and he sttod out on offense as their best player each time. He lines up all over the place and makes plays. Came in as an under recuited 3* and goes out an All American. Much as I detest PSU the man can sure play.
Physically he’s a classic matchup nightmare at TE - nightmare might be understating it, he’s a recurring, violent, lucid night terror at 6-6, 260 with speed - I was just only semi impressed with his hands yesterday, but I admit I haven’t watched Penn State closely all year beyond watching enough to know that defensive front is, once again, no joking matter whatsoever, the two RBs are really explosive and incredible, and the rest of the offense is pretty mid.

Maybe the bye in the playoffs isn't an advantage.

Let’s instead give Conference Champs the option of a bye or a home game. Zero programs would take the home game.

To say ASU didn’t deserve a #4 based on an OT loss to Texas — who only lost, twice, to Georgia — is silly. ASU was awesome, and also got robbed on the targeting call.

8’s enough, but also 4 was enough. The next option is 16 or perhaps 24, and I’ve got no interest in those.

Go Irish (ducks).
I like Irish in this one too.
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Are Peacock games available for after-the-fact viewing?

Yes, we have peacock and the NU games they've broadcast are currently available for replay. As NJCat posted, the game is streamlined and commercial free. It does include chunks of the peacock halftime highlights, and then 'concludes' with about ten minutes left on the replay timer so even tho it's over, you might have that 'finish watching' tag on it for a while.

I actually just re-watched the EIU game last night. I'd forgotten how dismal our offense was earlier this year without Brooks. How quickly my memories fade. I haven't heard Demps work a game before and I have to say, he's a really smart cookie. I've heard good things about him on this board and in my sample size of one, I agree - he knows his stuff.
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Are Peacock games available for after-the-fact viewing?

The most frustrating part of streaming-only games is that they’re not automatically recorded. (Also that they’re another charge, and that they’re the inevitable part of the enshittified future.)

This old man can’t keep track of every game.
Yes. My replays show without commercials, but I think I have a premium package for the Premier league games. Can't keep track of the subscriptions for streaming.....

Brendan Sullivan CHOKE JOB at the Music City Bowl

All of the unsavory stuff about Sulky is true. He’s human, after all. I just don’t see the point of all the grave dancing here. I guess it makes some people feel good.
I’m no fan of Sully, but objectively speaking, he had a better year playing in a big win over NU and in a bowl game than any of our QBs. Right decision by him, even if he could have handled it more gracefully.
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Thinking of NIL, the changing landscape of college football ... and Kain Colter

Waiting until it was too late to come up with a workable framework that kept most of what we enjoy intact with a sensible solution is no longer in the cards, I'm afraid.
Seems to me this can be said of pretty much everything that involves entrenched special interests with power/money.
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