Mean like back in the hood ole days before big money media contracts and just playing for school pride?
NCAA could stick to guns and find another route to bring back amateurism. I have suggested the availability of scholarships as an avenue. G league plus one of these little football leagues could do some help too. Bring back the rule that no first year student can play until enrolled for at least 12 months. Bring back the mandatory one year sit out rule for transfers, or make two years for extra depth.
This will run all the extremely gifted and very young athletes away from college. And if you do that, TV will shift to those other leagues and college will revert to truly amateur athletics. Games might be available only online, and only the best matchups will get TV time outside something very regional or local.
Interesting concept. Guess it depends: do you want high level athletics or school pride? As I type this out, I’m kinda leaning toward the latter. It’s nice to have NU guys playing professionally, but I really am only interested in watching them at NU.