Student Athlete Mental Health Week


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Gold Member
Jan 14, 2002
Hilinski's Hope Foundation changing "College Football Mental Health Week" to "Student Athlete Mental Health Week," and broadening its efforts. Great to see.

I know sometimes we look at this as a Karen kind of thing,,,but having observed many high school classes in a variety of high schools , talking to social workers and counselors and interacting with students and even from a simpler viewpoint of watching my grandkids in their first few years of school during the pandemic there seems to be a significant change in attitudes of high school kids . Optomism seems to be leaking away like a tire with a small puncture. Sometimes just observing was enough to make me go home depressed. To me the increase and focus on mental health is a symbol of a weakening of the culture of our social fabric. I dont think (beside our national wealth) that childhood and adolescence is what it once was....sorry Oppy. So glad to see a focus on the mental health of student/athletes... also makes me think that Fitz keeps the ship on the right course.