Why is NU 24th in ESPN BPI?


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Gold Member
Aug 22, 2017
Apologies if this was already discussed and I missed it. I was just scanning the schedule and looking at win probabilities and saw the BPI. Seems weird to have NU as third in the Big Ten.
I'll say this: like the spread displaced the I-formation, positionless basketball appears to be the future. If it goes that way, concerns over "who's the lead guard" will seem quaint by the time these freshmen are seniors.

Whether this batch of players has the requisite abilities to make it work remains to be seen. But if Friday is any indication, we will be at less of a pure athleticism deficit relative to our opponents than we have been before. I still want to see better shotmaking ability than previous rosters under Collins, both at the line and from 3. But I think we're going to see more play above the rim, both on primary shots and on putbacks, because Nance/Turner/Gaines can get UP. Not to mention the seniors, whom we know can.
I'd like to see a few of these guys break Pardon's unofficial NU record for dunks in a season. Hell, I'd like to see Pardon break it too.
I'll say this: like the spread displaced the I-formation, positionless basketball appears to be the future. If it goes that way, concerns over "who's the lead guard" will seem quaint by the time these freshmen are seniors.

Whether this batch of players has the requisite abilities to make it work remains to be seen. But if Friday is any indication, we will be at less of a pure athleticism deficit relative to our opponents than we have been before. I still want to see better shotmaking ability than previous rosters under Collins, both at the line and from 3. But I think we're going to see more play above the rim, both on primary shots and on putbacks, because Nance/Turner/Gaines can get UP. Not to mention the seniors, whom we know can.

Although I'd still like to see a Collins guard with the ability to break someone down off the dribble, go to the rack and slam it. Someone like Lathon.


Although I'd still like to see a Collins guard with the ability to break someone down off the dribble, go to the rack and slam it. Someone like Lathon.


This is what still concerns me. Against great defensive teams that really play aggressively tight, it helps to have a guy who can simply beat his man 1v1 off the dribble. Agree, Lathon, sigh.
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Although I'd still like to see a Collins guard with the ability to break someone down off the dribble, go to the rack and slam it. Someone like Lathon.


This is a great point. Basically all sports are won from the inside-out. Basketball is no exception. Own the middle and you own the game.
This is a great point. Basically all sports are won from the inside-out. Basketball is no exception. Own the middle and you own the game.

Basketball is definitely an exception. Own the 3-point line and you own the game. Just ask the GSW.
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Basketball is definitely an exception. Own the 3-point line and you own the game. Just ask the GSW.
Yeah these days basketball has warped into such a different game.

Look at a team like Houston: they've completely eliminated their long 2 point shots and just go for 3s or layups (which are in lanes opened up by spreading the floor).
This is what still concerns me. Against great defensive teams that really play aggressively tight, it helps to have a guy who can simply beat his man 1v1 off the dribble. Agree, Lathon, sigh.
Yeah, and related, against any decent defensive team once B1G conference season starts and they stop calling every little hold or touch foul for “freedom of movement”. Then we can struggle on offense if the shots are not falling. At that point it would be helpful to have someone who can reliably create their own shot.

Although I'd still like to see a Collins guard with the ability to break someone down off the dribble, go to the rack and slam it. Someone like Lathon.


While I've sighed about that as well, don't forget the other side of the ball.

Imagine also having a plus defender at the 1.

But think Buie is better than his star rating and from the sounds of it, Greer should develop into a pretty decent PG.