Bart Torvik 2025 Projections

Torvik's official 2025 projections are now live. Northwestern is ranked #48 overall.

Seems promising until you realize that it's only good for 14th of 18 in the Big Ten. It's shaping up to be a blood bath this year with no real elite tier projected.

15 of the 18 B1G teams are projected between 16 and 51.
Means there is plenty of space to win a bunch of games against closely matchups up teams.

Much rides on our offensive line.

Athlon - Anonymous coaches on NU

QB is a tougher position to evaluate since in general only one usually plays. For example Alviti was a solid recruit but an untimely injury derailed his career. There was more recruiting success than just two (not a lot more as we had some empty classes and guys that did not work out) under him and reasonable development of a number of guys as well. In the end, he was pretty much done in by the guy out of Colorado. I don't think Sullivan was even his recruit but rather Jakes as he 2021 recruiting class
Did McCall recruit persa?

Barnhizer - Primary Ballhandler

In that Brian James interview from the other thread, at about 25:35 he mentioned that Brooks Barnhizer will be the primary ballhandler this year. Not necessarily something that I would have expected. That's a pretty big revelation I think.
I thought I heard Special Assistant James say Barnhizer would be "a primary ballhandler" after saying "Barnhizer will handle the ball more than he did last year." It wasn't definitive. They don't seem sure that Leach can run the offense (so far).

It sounds like a work in progress with a bunch of different pieces, but not necessarily a point guard.

Athlon - Anonymous coaches on NU

And development. A lot of that is on him. During his tenure, NU recruited 2 QBs (3 when I include Colter) that turned into anything. Colter might have been recruited before him, ICR.

The next best? Brendan Sullivan. That's the drop off.
QB is a tougher position to evaluate since in general only one usually plays. For example Alviti was a solid recruit but an untimely injury derailed his career. There was more recruiting success than just two (not a lot more as we had some empty classes and guys that did not work out) under him and reasonable development of a number of guys as well. In the end, he was pretty much done in by the guy out of Colorado. I don't think Sullivan was even his recruit but rather Jakes as he 2021 recruiting class

Athlon - Anonymous coaches on NU

Except games aren't won and lost on ypg. In his 12 seasons he got "near" 400 ypg 7 of 12 times - 2009-2013 and 2016-17.

2009-2013 were pre-B1G West; the yards/play and scoring ranks in those seasons were bottom half of the conference in 2009, 2010 and 2013. 2011 had a 4th-ranked ypp and 5th-ranked scoring, while 2012 (prime Colter/Siemian/Mark) had bottom half ypp and was the only season where we scored >30ppg, which was also the only time we finished top-3 in conference under McCall.

2016-17 were the prime Thorson/Jackson years, and even then in 2016 we were bottom half in ypp and scoring, while 2017 had us 6th in ypp and 4th in scoring at 29ppg. Perhaps if Thorson doesn't blow his ACL in 2017, 2018 also reaches these heights as well, but that's not what happened.

Outside of those two years in the B1G West, McCall's other 4 offenses (2014-15, 2018-19) finished in the bottom 25% in ypp and scoring each year. I also doubt it's a coincidence that Fitz deciding to move away from the spread to a more "traditional" offense when the new divisions were created resulted in this offensive futility.
The only stat that truly matters is wins and losses and 9/12 seasons with McCall had 6 wins or more during regular season. These also included 3 overall 10 win seasons 2 9 win seasons etc. His Os paired well with the rest of the program to help deliver those seasons.

And if numbers went down because we went away from the spread because Fitz decided to go that way, why then is McCall blamed for lower producing O? Again wins and losses are the important stat and if it helped accomplish that, then he was still doing his job.
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Barnhizer - Primary Ballhandler

Not terribly surprising, imho. Outside of Boo, Brooks probably brought the ball up the court the most last season. Perhaps surprising only in that we don't really think of Brooks as a guard because of his strength inside, but as far as dependability and experience in ball-handling, this is somewhat predictable.
Remember, Brooks was a "lead guard" in HS. Since he'll usually be guarded by a 3 or a 4, he should be able to get the ball up the court without a problem.

Northwestern publishes report by Loretta Lynch on culture of athletics

“Here are the rules, which don’t include several hours a day of activities they all do daily.”
You obviously didn't read the pdf.
You should have read it, its pretty interesting and unbiased.
But, I get it, you like to spout and don't really want to discuss.
Ignorance is bliss, etc. Jut screwing around, don't bother responding...

For me, knowledge is power. So if I learn something because I took the time to look into your claims, even though you're overstating things, I still gain something. It definitely helps in certain cases, like this one.
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Athlon - Anonymous coaches on NU

So you’re saying the wins were only produced by the players and the loses were all the fault of the coaches? I would give some credit to the coaches for the two ten win seasons. They did develop those players. We are handicapped by our admission policies and it is not easy getting players. Failure to find the right QB candidates led to an issue after Thorson. We were relying on Hunter to be the man and he turned out to be the deer in the headlights. I fault the coaches for not having a good plan B when it became obvious that Hunter was gun shy. But just like any team, you need a competent QB to win. Ramsey and Bryant were not 5-star studs but they knew what they were doing. Hopefully Braun and Lujan can get that out of Wright while developing the QBs that they recruited.

I think we are getting a bit carried away by trying to make the coaching sound like a complete failure. You need players and coaches to have competency to win 10 games twice. I agree that McCall lost his way as well as a bad job by the entire staff in recruiting but there were some good years in there.
McCall has been bashed around here a lot. According to some of the people here, he never did anything right and we only won in spite of him. IMO, he deserved a lot more credit for our success than that. But his job was to build his O as part of the program to work with other parts that put us in a position to win and that he did. Unfortunately at the end it was time for him to go as poor QB recruiting made it hard to continue being successful.

By the way it was 3 10 win seasons under McCall. Plus there were also a couple 9 win seasons as well

OT: Caitlin Clark first WNBA rookie ever to record a triple double

Clark is going to have more triple doubles this season. She's already been close a few times. The rebounding will be key.

Reese actually set the double double record in the Sky's last lost, I believe.

The recent influx of talent is setting records and the teams are generally getting better all around. Hopefully this will continue, even just incrementally, as more talented female athletes decide basketball is where they want to focus their energies.
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