Big Ten TV Schedule: Week Eight (10/22)

All times CENTRAL, and all games played on Saturday, October 22. Rankings come from the AP poll. All games nationally televised unless otherwise indicated.

First, the NU game:

Northwestern @ Maryland
2:30 PM, BTN
PxP: Brandon Gaudin
Color: Jake Butt

And the rest:

Iowa @ #2 Ohio State
11:00 AM, FOX
PxP: Gus Johnson
Color: Joel Klatt

Indiana @ Rutgers
11:00 AM, BTN
PxP: Cory Provus
Color: Matt Millen

Purdue @ Wisconsin
2:30 PM, ESPN
PxP: Bob Wischusen
Color: Dan Orlovsky

Minnesota @ #16 Penn State
6:30 PM, ABC
PxP: Joe Tessitore
Color: Greg McElroy

#18 Illinois, #4 Michigan, Michigan State, and Nebraska are off this week.

Changes to Wildcat Fund?

I received an email yesterday announcing changes to the Wildcat Fund and "new benefits, levels, and more!"

I have no qualms or shame admitting that I'm "Varsity" Level ($100). I park in the South Golf Lot, which I prefer to the other lots so this aligns just fine with my needs and demand. I noticed in this new marketing, Varisty level does not include "access to football parking based on availability" - I *think* this has always been the case - that you're basically guaranteed at the next/$500 level but at Varsity I am just at the mercy of the trickle-down (and I'll take those odds/I'm fine with that).

Can someone confirm that this is not a change from the status quo? I'm not suddenly/actually INeligible for parking, am I?


Maryland will tell the tale. Over the years, it has seemed that the next game will decide if NU is for real or not. In this case, I believe that to be true. If NU wins, even by a small amount, that may indicate Fitz is getting handle on this. If not, all the speculation that NU is irrevocably trending down will be verified. Who else might we beat? Iowa, but so what? One more win will not change the situation. However, Maryland, NU's last chance for salvation this year, just might turn that around. I sure hope so.
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What happened to the post about parking passes I assume it was about reselling them and taken off I am a Northwestern fan and al and had purchased a parking pass on stub hubfor the Ohio State game however it is apparently not available till November 1 why is that when tickets are available much earlier…just curious

We’re #1…hundred fourteen

We are actually not the worst Power 5 team in the country, we’re only second worst (to Colorado). Though I’m sure we may be worst by the end of the season. Colorado moved up several spots by notching a win.
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Mock the Mock Draft

Other than Big Ski at #6, this mock has a lot of question marks to me. First I’m seeing Tanner McKee ranked so high. Also hard to imagine the Seahawks and Panthers (and Falcons for that matter) passing on a QB in round one. Also can’t see the Lions taking a QB based on Goff’s performance and their horrific defense. Was this just some click bait generated by @CatManTrue

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FOOTBALL Why did we switch defenses?

Under Coach Hank, we had a defense system that was good enough to win the Big Ten West in two of three seasons. When Coach Hank retired, we switched to a new defensive coordinator with a substantially different new system. Why did we switch to a new system when the old one seemed to be working? Coach Hank left under good conditions to a scheduled retirement and maybe we should have found someone to replace him who had the same basic philosophy for the defense.

The new defensive system seems to be an abject failure and I don't understand why we switched from a system that was working.
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On banning posters

In light of the recent Canoli thread(s) and subsequent action taken, I just couldn't keep my opinion on this subject to myself, especially in light of what I perceive is taking place in our country with wokeness, cancel culture, and subsequent stifiling of the free interchange of ideas. Frankly, I found nothing in the Canoli thread(s) that offended me (as an alum, donor, and season ticket holder for 28 years). The banter was interesting, and nothing was life threatening. Maybe in times like this, for some, everything is life threatening. On the other hand, when you're as old as I am, everything is life threatening.

I've been a member of this board and boards that have preceded it since 1995 - the year that NU suddenly woke up as a Big 10 football team. So I'm going to invoke the longevity priviledge and offer my opinion on the subject of banning posters and ending threads.

Before I do though, I recognize that this is a private site, and the owner can make any rules regarding banning posters and closing threads, that they choose - and we as members either accept it, or go elsewhere - I get it. Having said that, here's a little food for thought:

I believe this board offers a feature to all of us that offers the opportunity to ban (ignore) that, or those, who we don't want to hear from. I also believe that you can reverse your decision to ignore if you have second thoughts. Why choose the irreversible, nuclear option (by a moderator), when a good sight picture with a rifle ( or even cap gun) by each of us, will do the job? Personally, I don't want big brother deciding what is, or is not appropriate for me to read. If I don't like the content, or the individual posting it, I'm fully armed, have taken a class in self defense (including concealed carry), and my judgement alone, is all that is needed to pull the trigger. Poof (or bang) in a spray of pink mist, he ,she, they, them, zhi, y'all are gone.

So what about the egregious, toothless, unwashed, hordes that's made up of opponents who infest this site from time to time? Well, there will always be the need for oversight, I guess.
