On banning posters

In light of the recent Canoli thread(s) and subsequent action taken, I just couldn't keep my opinion on this subject to myself, especially in light of what I perceive is taking place in our country with wokeness, cancel culture, and subsequent stifiling of the free interchange of ideas. Frankly, I found nothing in the Canoli thread(s) that offended me (as an alum, donor, and season ticket holder for 28 years). The banter was interesting, and nothing was life threatening. Maybe in times like this, for some, everything is life threatening. On the other hand, when you're as old as I am, everything is life threatening.

I've been a member of this board and boards that have preceded it since 1995 - the year that NU suddenly woke up as a Big 10 football team. So I'm going to invoke the longevity priviledge and offer my opinion on the subject of banning posters and ending threads.

Before I do though, I recognize that this is a private site, and the owner can make any rules regarding banning posters and closing threads, that they choose - and we as members either accept it, or go elsewhere - I get it. Having said that, here's a little food for thought:

I believe this board offers a feature to all of us that offers the opportunity to ban (ignore) that, or those, who we don't want to hear from. I also believe that you can reverse your decision to ignore if you have second thoughts. Why choose the irreversible, nuclear option (by a moderator), when a good sight picture with a rifle ( or even cap gun) by each of us, will do the job? Personally, I don't want big brother deciding what is, or is not appropriate for me to read. If I don't like the content, or the individual posting it, I'm fully armed, have taken a class in self defense (including concealed carry), and my judgement alone, is all that is needed to pull the trigger. Poof (or bang) in a spray of pink mist, he ,she, they, them, zhi, y'all are gone.

So what about the egregious, toothless, unwashed, hordes that's made up of opponents who infest this site from time to time? Well, there will always be the need for oversight, I guess.

OT: Meet/cheer on NU Crew teams at Head of the Charles Regatta



Opportunity for those who aren't watching the game Sat to meet the crew teams on Sat (details below). You can also meet up with fellow alums and watch NU compete on Sunday (MAP).

They do have a link to register, will assume it's just for the Sat gathering -- RSVP


Join Us at Head of the Charles
The Northwestern Men and Women's crew teams are competing in this year's Head of the Charles Regatta.

Saturday, October 22

New Riverside Neighborhood Park
880 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us for a picnic and Meet the Teams before they compete!
Plus door prize raffle for all attendees.

Sunday, October 23
Viewing Party

Please join us riverside to support our 'Cats. This event is B.Y.O.E. (bring your own everything!). This year the boats are racing in close time proximity allowing us to cheer both easily from the banks of the Charles.
We will plan to meet on the lawn near the Weld Exhibition area as we did last year. This the section of river between the Weeks pedestrian bridge and the Harvard St. bridge on the Cambridge side of the river. Look for the NU flag! We had a great time last year and hope you can join us this year!
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Well if there are going to be changes this year, be they schematic or player,,,this would seem to be the week. Do you think we will see any changes? and if so what will they be....what changes (other than coaches changes..kinda know where people stand) would YOU like to see? For me it is throw caution to the wind....if we are going to give up points lets give em up because we are sending 6 or 7 guys....If we have players who have graded poorly and have not improved...lets lose finding out if other guys are better game players and not make practice performance the main qualifier.
Having said that I think Fitz will do zip. I want to see GHP get 1st string reps....I want to see Gil get more reps....I want to see Mueller get more reps. I would also like to see Saka and Soares get some time.

FB RECRUITING One piece of good recruiting news

Smith Snowden told me last night that Northwestern is still in the picture for him. The three-star CB from Utah announced a final four of NU, Utah, Colorado and BYU over the summer. He took official visits to all of them except BYU, where his dad played. A source told me that Snowden is down to NU and Utah, but Snowden hasn't confirmed that with me yet. I'm working on it.

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Leave your best stories of rushing the field

Watching the amazing Tennessee-Alabama game and seeing like 50,000 people on the field (I hope no one got hurt) reminded me of all the times we got to do it at Dyche Stadium and Welsh-Ryan Arena over the years. Who's got a good story?

I still remember the 1991 game against Illinois. I recall a DPS guy trying to stop people and pulling me off the goalpost as we were leaving the stadium with it. He threw me to the ground, which is more than enough to stop me under normal circumstances, but I got right back and jogged it to the lake. We carried the goal posts all the way to North Beach. We were all so wet already (it rained the entire game), so it was a no-brainer to go right into the lake. How much more wet could we get?

I once got a flag off the top of the goalpost when it came down. It's my most prized possession.

My favorite though was a game where we got the goalposts down on the north side of the field and I looked back on the south side and saw the posts swaying and coming down from 100 yards away. It's an image I'll never forget.

Strength Program Has Issues - I believe a foundation of our problems.

I know people keep arguing about the play calling and talent.

While I agree that we lack creativity on offense and defense.

I think our biggest issue people are neglecting to point out as a foundational issue is our Strength program.

While we aren’t world beaters in recruiting, we have talent that should be more than needed to field a very competitive team.

But our offensive and defensive lines lose on their 1:1 battles constantly especially when it matter. They get zero push and have no strength to escape blocks. They seems to have the technique but without the strength needed to make it successful.
