Based on the Nebraska win tonight, NU can win out at Welsh-Ryan (by the way, who is Welsh?)


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
St. Paul
Win a win or two on the road, they will be in great shape for the NCAA's. Those will be tough, however.
I also love how it’s been branded “the Welsh” this year. It’s so damn catchy.
During a previous presidency, there was a news cycle about how the president didn’t know the difference between Great Britain and England and the United Kingdom.

It was during this kerfuffle that I learned what Great Britain, England, the United Kingdom and, through association, Wales are.

I no longer use the terms interchangeably, and I properly recognize Welsh sovereignty.
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During a previous presidency, there was a news cycle about how the president didn’t know the difference between Great Britain and England and the United Kingdom.

It was during this kerfuffle that I learned what Great Britain, England, the United Kingdom and, through association, what Wales are.

I no longer use the terms interchangeably, and I properly recognize Welsh sovereignty.
Good job, wish I understood it as well as you do. Sounds like Massachusetts, Connecticut , and Rhode Is. All think they are very different from each other,.
During a previous presidency, there was a news cycle about how the president didn’t know the difference between Great Britain and England and the United Kingdom.

It was during this kerfuffle that I learned what Great Britain, England, the United Kingdom and, through association, Wales are.

I no longer use the terms interchangeably, and I properly recognize Welsh sovereignty.
Why don't penguins live in Great Britain?

Because they're afraid of Wales.